Fat Loss – We offer the best nutritional advice on selecting the correct foods for shedding the lbs quicker than ever, and knowing which foods to avoid at all costs. You can also learn about amazing super foods and spices which rid your body of toxins and help speed up your metabolism. Training includes high calorie burning workouts for rapid weight loss such as HIIT and Tabbata training methods.
Tone Up – Get firm and defined without looking like a female bodybuilder. You will add muscle and lose fat to get that female cover model look. Don’t be afraid of using weights.
Bikini Body – Going on holiday and need to look your best? This programme targets the areas everyone sees in a bikini stomach, arms, legs and bum. In just a few short weeks you can be beach body ready.
Sports Specific Training – If you want to jump higher, run faster, or hit your targets then we can help you. Using specific drills and plyometric training we can make you more explosive and have faster reflexes.
Posture Correction - Poor posture can lead to injury and musclar inbalances, these can be caused in numerous ways and people will suffer a life time without seeking asistance. Using corrective exercises we can correct these postural problems.

Bulk Up – Men look better with broad shoulders, big arms and chest. If you need to put on some size to fill out your T-shirts then we can help you. You will learn the exercises which add the most muscle in the shortest amount of time, which foods to eat and how many calories you need to be consuming to maintain your muscle.
Strength Training – Not quite hitting your bench press target? Or just feeling like you’d like to learn some power movements in time for the Olympics? we can teach you safe and sensible strength training which will not only send your lifts through the roof but it will leave you free from injury.
Lose Weight – Who doesn’t want a six-pack? If you have always dreamed of seeing those precious abs we can give you a tailor-made diet that can help reveal them, alongside the best core and abs training.
We know that working life takes its toll on everybody. Long hours, deadlines, sitting at your desk all day and staring at a screen can have a negative effect on your physical and mental health. With Corporate Health and Well Being I can implement services into your company so that you could benefit from enhanced productivity, pressure management and staff creating a more pleasurable working environment. Results could include fewer staff absences and instances of work related sickness. This will all contribute to the success of your business.
Benefits of Corporate Training to your business and employees:
• Reduced rate on personal training
• Group training for staff cohesion
• Lecture and seminars in your workplace
• Advice on office related injuries and stress
• Diet plan for everyone to keep them healthy